Like to Stay Focused & Improve Your Performance?

Like to Stay Focused & Improve Your Performance?

Hi Supplements,

I just discovered a great program thatâ€>s
guaranteed to help you stick to your diet
and achieve your goals! If youâ€>re like me,
you really do want to look trimmer and you
try hard, but youâ€>re not getting the results
you expected.

Well, MindMaster can change all that. By
displaying positive affirmations and images
on your computer screen as you work, this
unique software program continually re-enforces
your desire to achieve your goal. You can put
in your own affirmations or use those already
built into the program, or use a combination
of both.

Leading self-development coaches and sports
psychologists have been saying for a long
time that the people who write down their
goals and look at them often are much more
likely to achieve those goals than the people
who donâ€>t. Now imagine how powerful this
technique can be when your goals are appearing
automatically on your screen and registering
on your sub-conscious mind.

People in all walks of life have used MindMaster
to help them succeed with their weight reduction
program. Hereâ€>s what Linda S. from Arizona had to say:

“Dear Tony: I started the program (MindMaster)
less than a month ago. It was easy to add pictures
and add affirmations. I have tried pills, diets,
and it was always a painful road, which I ended up
taking a U-TURN back to my old habits.

The changes were very subtle - to my surprise I
seem to have stopped the major craving I have had
for ice cream (which I ate every night with choc
syrup and whipped cream!) I still may have it if
my husband grabs a bowl, but the portion is much

This is just one of many such testimonials that
MindMaster receives on a regular basis.

Iâ€>m really excited about the potential offered by
MindMaster, and I urge you to take a look at their
website and judge for yourself.

You can learn more about achieving your goals here:



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supplements - Free Memory Tips Ezine, Issue #39

supplements - Free Memory Tips Ezine, Issue #39

Issue #39, September 9, 2011

Free Memory Tips brings you tips and resources to help you lead a more productive life through enhanced brain power and memory. If you like this ezine supplements, please do a friend and me a big favor and "pay it forward."

If a friend did forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting the Free Memory Tips Subscription Page
Let's Boost Your Memory and Brain Power!
Reminder: For a quick brain workout, visit the Brain Training section of my website. There are over 100 free brain games you can play anytime.
Click here to play free brain games

Brain Power and Memory Tips
#1) Increase Your Intelligence
Dual N-Back is the first brain training activity ever shown to transfer to general intelligence. In recent studies, those who trained increased their working memory and fluid intelligence significantly compared to controls who did not train. The more days trained, the greater the increase. Fluid intelligence is a major contributor to a person's intelligence quotient (IQ).
Click here for more on Dual N-Back training

#2) Best Study Skills
Whether you're a student or an adult who wants to learn faster, effective study skills will help you remember the material much longer. On this page, I explain in detail the five top strategies for effective learning as described by renowned memory expert Dr. Kenneth Higbee.
Click here to learn the Best Study Skills

Memory Problems - Questions & Stories
#1) Best Friend Has Brain Tumor
An anonymous contributor relates how her best friend, a young man only 17 years of age, contracted a brain tumor and now has little memory of her or the experiences they've shared as friends. Naturally devastated, she wonders if his memory will eventually return.
Click here to read her story and my response

#2) How to Overcome Exam Fear
Chinna gets very nervous during exams, which hurts his performance. Assuming that he has studied hard and knows the material, mindfulness meditation may be the solution to his test anxiety.
Click here to read his full question and my response

#3) Malignant Brain Tumor at 16
Coby was struck by a malignant brain tumor at age 16. Miraculously he survived but now at age 38 he is experiencing memory problems. He is looking for guidance. Read my suggestions and post your own thoughts.
Click here to read his full question and my response

#4) Can't Remember Recent Events
Rachel is now 42, and her memory isn't what it used to be. She's concerned that age-related memory loss is preventing her from remembering appointments and other short-term items. She's also starting to lose her prized spelling ability.
Click here to read her story and my response

Featured Brain Games
Trolley Dash. An excellent game for strengthening short-term memory. At the bottom of the page, I explain the Link Method, including examples. The Link memory technique can be used to rapidly memorize any kind of list.
Play Trolley Dash free now

Forty Thieves Solitaire. Of the many variations of patience card solitaire, Forty Thieves is perhaps the most challenging. Winning this game requires careful reasoning and more than a little skill.
Play Forty Thieves Solitaire free now

Pacman Math. This is the Pacman arcade game with a mathematical twist. Before you can gobble up the each ghost, you must first quickly solve a math problem!
Play Pacman Math free now

What Else Is New?
Looking for a unique, and perhaps superior, way to organize your thoughts and projects? Try the free and powerful Personal Brain mind mapping software. Attach details including notes, calendar entries, and web links to your personal mind web. The basic version of Personal Brain is 100% free and may be all you ever need!

And for many more tips and strategies for improving your brain, see my website,

If you like the site, please tell your friends and family about it!

Best regards,
Douglas J.

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More People Have Psoriasis - A Skin Condition

More People Have Psoriasis - A Skin Condition

Hi Supplements,

Psoriasis is a skin condition caused by autoimmune system.


or watch some videos at



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Supplements, Do You Know That You May Be on Calcium Overdraft?

Supplements, Do You Know That You May Be on Calcium Overdraft?


It is about our bones today, of course our life bones.

Our body absorb lots of calcium when we are young
because we need to grow.

However, do you know at adulthood, we also need lots
of calcium, slightly less that the teenager.

I have three resources for reading today:

1. Why calcium

2. where to get calcium supplements

3. About coral calcium

Enjoy reading,


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Lose 10 Pounds? Anyone?

Lose 10 Pounds? Anyone?

Hi Supplements,

Here is some resource articles that I have compiled
on the topic of losing weight. It is FREE. read on. Enjoy!



P.S. Discover the secrets here

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, New resource to improving your memory

, New resource to improving your memory


This is Kim from

I have compiled and put up some resource on the
topic regarding 'improving your memory'.

For articles regarding improving your memory go here:

Find vitamin for memory go here

Warmest regards and wish you good health.


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We Want to Read Supplements's Story

We Want to Read Supplements's Story

Hi Supplements,

Can you imagine that thousands of people read your
review and testimonials online?

I would like to invite you to write about your own
experience in using vitamin supplements or buying
supplements online.

Post your review or story here.

Upon publication of your review, I will broadcast to all my reader to read
your stories.

Be part of the community.

Hope to hear from you soon.



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Omega-3 fatty acids appear to impact AMD progression

Omega-3 fatty acids appear to impact AMD progression

Hi Supplements,

I suppose that you may have heard of the many benefits of omega 3

Have downloaded our Omega 3 buying guide?

If not, go to

New research findings in 2009

Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish such as tuna and salmon may
protect against (AMD), age-related macular degeneration. The
benefits however, appear to depend on the stage of disease and
whether certain supplements are taken. This is according to
researchers at the Laboratory for Nutrition and Vision Research
(LNVR), Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on
Aging (HNRCA) at Tufts University.

The researchers calculated intakes of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) from dietary questionnaires
administered to 2,924 men and women, aged 55 to 80 years,
participating in an eight-year supplement trial, the Age-Related
Eye Disease Study (AREDS) of the National Eye Institute (NEI).
The AREDS trial results suggest taking supplements of antioxidants
plus zinc prevents progression of late-stage AMD. AREDS study
participants were randomly allocated to receive either a placebo
or supplements containing the antioxidants vitamins C and E and
beta carotene, the minerals zinc and copper, or a combination of

The study was awarded The Association for Research in Vision and
Ophthalmology (ARVO)-American Foundation for Eye Research (AFER)/
Merck Innovative Ophthalmology Research Award at the ARVO 2009
Annual Conference in May.

No time to read the ebook?
Need to get the best omega 3 supplements?

Watch a video here.



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Move Beyond the Basic, Supplements

Move Beyond the Basic, Supplements


Today, let's talk about the basic first.

Anyone who takes vitamin supplements and looks at its
bottles or boxes is familiar with the vitamins that are
contained in each tablet.

Below is a list of the most common vitamins
found in supplements as well as a description of what they

Vitamin A

- commonly found in leafy vegetables and in other products
like carrots, broccoli, papaya, eggs and liver, this
vitamin helps keep the eyes healthy. A deficiency of this
vitamin can cause permanent loss of eyesight.

Vitamin B1

- thiamine is the other name for this vitamin. It keeps the
heart and the digestive and nervous systems functioning
normally. Aside from that, thiamine is also important in a
person's physical growth and development. Good sources of
this vitamin include beef, pork, nuts and legumes, among
other foods.

Vitamin B2

- otherwise known as riboflavin, this vitamin is important
in metabolizing energy as well as fats, carbohydrates and
proteins. Common sources of this vitamin include milk,
cheese and leafy vegetables. A deficiency of this vitamin
is signaled by cracked lips, mouth ulcers and sore throat,
among other symptoms.

Vitamin C

- also known as ascorbic acid, this vitamin has a lot of
benefits attributed to it. Some of them include boosting
the immune system and minimizing the symptoms of illnesses.
It is also a well-known antioxidant. Lack of this vitamin
can cause scurvy that leads to loss of teeth and
eventually, death.

Moving beyond your basic needs

With the advancement of knowledge and available
technology, it become more viable nowadays for
the vitamin manufacturers to pin-point our specific needs.

Hence, they are able to refine their products and cater to
varied needs. Take for example, you can find multivitamin
supplements for different age groups and genders.

Look here for an example that I cite, just a multivit alone,
you can find there are 7 categories you can choose from.

Check it out here:


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Natural Vs. Synthetic Vitamin Supplements - do you know the difference?

Natural Vs. Synthetic Vitamin Supplements - do you know the difference?


Natural Vs. Synthetic Vitamin Supplements

A lot of people today are going crazy over natural
products. They say that they are safer and more effective
than those formulated in laboratories.

The same debate goes on in the world of vitamin
supplements. On one side are the proponents of natural
supplements while on the other are the ones for the
synthetic variety.

But is there really a difference between the two? Yes and
no. Why? Below are the answers.

The most obvious difference between the two is that one is
taken from a natural source while the other is formulated
in laboratories.

While advocates of natural products claim that theirs is
better because natural products are purer, there is no
definitive study that they can refer to to prove their

Then there is the price difference. It is no longer news
that the so-called natural products are more expensive than
their synthetic counterparts.

While the price difference can be justified by the means
they are prepared, unless proof is given that one is more
effective than the other then there's no cause for a

But then again, the debate over which is better may never
be over since a person will always prefer one thing over
the other.

But regardless of the source and the means of producing
these supplements, what really is important is the actual
amount of vitamins present there.

Some natural ones have additional ingredients which lessen
its intended effect while there are synthetic ones that are
overstuffed with a lot of vitamins which in effect lessens
their effectiveness.

Warmest regards,


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Vitamin Supplements Safety

Vitamin Supplements Safety


It is a well-known fact that vitamin supplements have
numerous benefits to our body especially when we take them

Not only do they keep the body functioning properly, they
also keep us healthy so that we don't get sick easily.

However, they can have adverse effects too if we take them
incorrectly. Below are some tips to keep us safe when
taking supplements.

Only take as indicated

- before taking vitamin supplements, we have to look at the
instructions on the box first. It is where information on
things like dosage are indicated.

If we do otherwise, we may not be able to maximize the
supplement's effect, or worse, get overdosed.

Seek your doctor's advice

- before taking a supplement, it would be good to seek your
doctor's advice. This is especially the case if you are
taking other forms of medication.

Your doctor can warn you if there is a risk of adverse
effects if you take them with the supplement. The same goes
if you have special needs for a particular vitamin.

The doctor may advise higher doses of it depending on
his/her diagnosis.

Make sure it's genuine

- although there are a good number of reliable supplements,
there are still some that are fake, ineffective or both.

Be wary of them because they may cause you more harm than

In sum, vitamin supplements can be harmful to you if you
take them incorrectly. So be informed and make sure that
the one you are taking is safe.

I invited you to do your research first. If you have not, do it
now. Here is a reputable online supplier

Warmest regards,


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Kim Answers 's Vitamin Supplements FAQ

Kim Answers 's Vitamin Supplements FAQ


With a lot of information about vitamin supplements on the
internet, you can easily get flooded by them without really
finding what you're looking for.

That is why we have this list of Frequently-Asked-Questions
(FAQs) which gives you everything you need to know about
vitamin supplements.

I found a very reliable website that the author himself is
an expert in this area and he answer to the readers'
question diligently and dutifully.

You can read some of the Q&A there or ask your own questions at

Warmest regards,


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, Is Your Vitamin Supplement Absorbed or Destroyed?

, Is Your Vitamin Supplement Absorbed or Destroyed?


Vitamin supplements are made to give the maximum
impact with minimum quantity of material.

Having the above mission in mind, most ingredients in
the supplement can't survive the gastric juice in the stomach.

Science has the answer. One way to protect the vitamin
ingredients is to prevent the table/gel from disintegration
in the stomach. Got the idea?

Further reading: coating on the tablets for better delivery

Warmest regards,


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What's New: July 7, 2011

What's New: July 7, 2011

Email looks strange? Click here to view in browser.
Productopia: A World Without Buyer's Remorse
     In this issue: Summer essentials: water guns, water bottles, and bug spray. Plus, 3DTV.

What's New: July 7, 2011

Blast away with 2011 water guns
Click for the story

Summer is in full swing and for those looking to have a little fun while keeping cool, a water gun should be a your weapon of choice. Find out which ones will soak you in 2011!


Read More →

Choosing the best insect repellent
Click for the story

If you are going to be outdoors a lot this summer, you'll probably want to use insect repellent to keep bug bites to a minimum. Here's a check list to help you select the best bug spray for you and your family.


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A hydration basic: Which water bottles are the best
Click for the story

While some still turn to bottled water to cool down quickly and conveniently, more and more people are toting around reusable water bottles to quench their thirst on the go. We searched for the best-reviewed reusable water bottles, and a few brands stand out.


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Home pregnancy tests: how accurate are they?
Click for the story

There's something you need to know about pregnancy test claims: They're just claims. You've probably heard about tests that claim to be "over 99% accurate" and that you can get results "5 days sooner" than the competition. This is simply not true. Here's why.


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Alternative medicine shows promise for chronic pain
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Ever considered alternative methods for chronic pain management, such as meditation, acupuncture, massage or chiropractic manipulation? Recent research says that not only are these methods viable options, but they're gaining mainstream acceptance.


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3DTV for 2011: Cheaper and better, but does it matter?
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Experts and owners say that this year's 3DTVs deliver better performance and at a lower cost. But as signs point to less and less interest in 3D in the movie theater and in the home, does it matter?


Read More →

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, Have You Got Your Vitamin Ebooks?

, Have You Got Your Vitamin Ebooks?


Thank you for your request for our "Guide to Vitamins and

If you have gotten our ebooks, I hope that you take some time to
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Welcome to The Vitamin and Supplement Guide Spotlight

Welcome to The Vitamin and Supplement Guide Spotlight

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High Blood Pressure Risk Factors Info

High Blood Pressure Risk Factors Info

It is important to keep your blood pressure under 140/90 mm Hg. Blood pressure higher than that is considered dangerous. Below is a list of high blood pressure risk factors. People with any of these risk factors should have their blood pressure checked every time they visit their doctor. For those who fall into several risk categories, experts recommend purchasing a blood pressure cuff and a stethoscope and taking your own pressure reading every week.
  • Cigarette smoking or being exposed to secondhand smoke on a daily basis
  • Diabetes (a fasting glucose higher than 125 mg/dL)
  • Kidney disease
  • Family history of hypertension
  • Being obese or overweight
  • Leading a physically inactive, sedentary lifestyle
  • Men over the age of 45
  • Women over the age of 55
  • Taking oral contraceptives
  • Elevated cholesterol levels
  • Frequently consuming alcoholic beverages
  • Being African American
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